This year we are diving into our friendship with God!

Sunday, July 28 - Thursday, August 1
Optional Family Dinner | 5:30 – 6:15pm
Vacation Bible School | 6:30 – 8:30pm
Grades | PreK-5th Grade (grade completed)
Early bird registration ends June 16 (save $5 per child)

We are excited to invite your kids to this year’s Vacation Bible School at Resurrection. We offer an optional family dinner each night along with indoor and outdoor stations full of games, crafts, snacks, Bible stories, and loud and fun worship.
AGAIN THIS YEAR: An early pickup option is offered for preschool and kindergarten kids.

Themes + Meals
Day One: God is a friend who’s real.
Day Two: God is a friend who loves.
Day Three: God is a friend we can trust.
Day Four: God is a friend forever.
Day Five: God is a friend for everyone.
Sunday: Breakfast for Dinner
Monday: Spaghetti
Tuesday: Taco Tuesday
Wednesday: Sloppy Joes
Thursday: BBQ Cookout
*Help supply our nightly meals by sponsoring one or more meal items below!*
Looking to serve?
Find descriptions + time commitments of all the volunteer teams below.
Teen Crew Leaders
Students grade 6-12 are invited to sign up to be Teen Crew Leaders. These students lead a small group of kids through the nightly stations (large group, small group, crafts, games, etc.)
Mandatory Training
Sunday, July 21 @ 6 – 7:30pm
Check out our teams!
The decorating team will meet a few times on evenings and weekends before VBS starts to help create and assemble the sets and decorations for the Worship Center, hallways, and Gathering Place. Some projects can also be done at home and brought to church when they are completed. This team sets up the decorations the week before VBS starts and helps tear down decorations the last night of VBS.
Time Commitment: Flexible over the summer, 2-4 hours July 27-31
Meets @ Connect Corner
The Registration + Welcome team has the important job of greeting VBS families and helping them get kids checked in and answer questions each night as VBS gets started.
Time Commitment: July 28 – August 1 from 5:30 – 6:30pm
Meets @ the Kitchen
Each night dinner is served for families and volunteers attending VBS. Dinner team volunteers do not need to cook the food for each night, but instead assist the group hosting dinner that night find all the necessary supplies and serve their food in a timely manner.
Time Commitment: July 28 – August 1 from 4:30 – 6:30pm
Meets @ the Sound Booth in the Worship Center
During the week we take photos of the children as well as capturing fun candid photos throughout the night of the kids (access to a digital camera is needed).
Time Commitment: July 28 – August 1 from 6 – 8:30pm
Meets @ Room 305 (big kids) or Room 103 (preschool)
The crafts team set up the items needed for the evening’s craft, helps the children in participating in the craft each night, and helps clean up the craft room.
Time Commitment: July 28 – August 1 from 6 – 8:30pm
Meets @ Genesis Garden (big kids) or Room 102 (preschool)
The games team helps set up the games for the night and assists the children in participating in the nightly games.
Time Commitment: July 28 – August 1 from 6 – 8:30pm
Meet @ Back of the Worship Center (big kids) or Room 101 (preschool)
Helps with the drama/story telling station each night.
Time Commitment: July 28 – August 1 from 6 – 8:30pm
As a Teen Crew Leader, you will lead a small group of kids at VBS. Teen Crew Leaders are a BIG DEAL at VBS and a huge part of making the week successful and safe for kids.
Over the course of 5 nights, Teen Crew Leaders lead their group of kids from opening worship, through games, crafts, and Bible story stations, and then back to the Worship Center.
At the mandatory Teen Crew Leader Training on Sunday, July 21 at 6pm, you will have the opportunity to meet the other Teen Crew Leaders, tie dye your VBS shirt, learn about the nightly themes, practice the music, and have fun. Pizza will be served for dinner as well.
- Must have completed at least 6th grade.
- Attend the VBS Volunteer Training on Sunday, July 21 at 6 – 7:30pm.
- Be available for all days of VBS.
- Be able to arrive by 5:15pm for prayer and debrief each VBS day.
Meets @ Volunteer Check-In
As an Adult Crew Leader, you will travel with one of the big kid color groups (red, yellow, green). You will assist the teen leaders as mentors and support them as needed if the children get unruly. You may also have to escort children to and from the restroom so the teen leader can keep the other children on task.
Time Commitment: July 28 – August 1 from 6 – 8:30pm
Meets @ Volunteer Check-In
As an Adult Crew Leader you will travel with one of the preschool groups. You will assist the teen leaders as mentors and support them as needed if the children get unruly. You may also have to escort children to and from the restroom as the teen leader can keep the other children on task. If you’re a parent of a preschooler, this is a great way to participate with your child and help them feel comfortable with the hustle and bustle that is VBS.
Time Commitment: July 28 – August 1 from 6 – 8:30pm
Meets @ Volunteer Check-In
You can help wherever we need you! You may be in games one night and snacks the next.
Time Commitment: July 28 – August 1 from 6 – 8:30pm
Meets Outside
Help with the flow of traffic and ensuring kids get into the building safely during drop-off and pick-up times. During VBS volunteers will patrol the building.
Time Commitment: July 28 – August 1 from 6 – 8:30pm.
Donate Supplies
We put together an Amazon list of items needed to make our snacks, crafts, and games fun and creative this VBS. You can purchase the supplies you’d like to donate and they will ship right to us!
Have questions?
View our complete registration page for more details or reach out to us with any questions you may have.