Where are you gifted to serve?
Jesus' was a hands-on servant who expressed his love through serving. As we come alongside Jesus in his mission to serve and save the world, he equips each of us with spiritual gifts that make us more effective in our service to others.
If you haven't already, you can take a spiritual gifts assessment and talk with a gifts coach to help you identify a place to serve that fits your gifting.
Our Teams
Click on a team name below to read more about it.
Whether it’s raking leaves, dusting, or fixing things, it takes many hands to maintain our church building and grounds. This team works on various projects throughout the year.
- mowing
- snow removal
- landscaping
- painting
- assembling furniture
- maintenance fixes
Throughout our lives we face grief, medical struggles, and so much more. Our care and visitation team come around those who are struggling or facing new situations and need a little extra support.
- Visitations in hospitals, care facilities, homes, etc.*
- Praying for those in need
- Dropping off meals
- Set up meal trains
- Helping them stay connected at church
*Requires Background Check
On Sunday mornings, the Connect Corner is the main information hub where people can come to be welcomed and seek answers to various questions. A Connect Corner Team Member is one who is friendly, outgoing, welcoming, and has a passion for people.
- Greet new guests and give them a welcome gift
- Help people use their Church Center app to register for events, find groups, give, etc.
- Know where to point people when they ask a question you are not certain the answer for.
Family Feast is our monthly FREE community meal. All are welcome to join this meal on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 11:30am to 1pm. Joining our Family Feast team would mean helping cook dishes for the meal, setting up and tearing down tables, and serving the food during the meal time.
Food SHARE is our monthly food distribution program where people are welcome to come receive food for themselves or people they know in need. This occurs every 1st Thursday of the month from 4pm to 6pm or when all food is given out. Joining this team would mean helping distribute the food, bring carts/boxes out to cars, and other ways of assisting.
Our Generosity Team strives to develop an effective funding plan each year that supports all ministries. Anyone with a gift or financial/fundraising background would be a great asset.
- Attending monthly meetings
- Helping with generosity events
- Writing thank you cards
- Brainstorming ways to encourage financial giving
- Developing tools to improve time, talent, and treasure opportunities
Food is the key to great conversation. There is no need to be a master chef! Our hospitality team does more than cook food.
- Provide food for Sunday worship, special events, etc.
- Coordinate for events
- Host meals for special classes
- Clean and organize the kitchen
- Help order supplies
- Provide a warm experience
The possibility of different groups is endless when we have passionate leaders feeling called to start one. Our Journey Guides nurture the IN of the Faith Triangle – spending time with other Christians studying the Word and serving in the community.
If you are interested in being a Journey Guide, indicate so on the Join A Team form, and our Journey Director will reach out to get to know you a bit more and explore this role with you.
Are you a kid at heart? We are always looking to add partners and teachers who love teaching about Jesus, completing cool crafts, and more!
- Sunday School Teacher
- Vacation Bible School Leader
- Family Fun Team
- Prepping for each week
- Chaperoning at camps and events
- Planning for kid’s ministry events
- Pathfinders Check-In Greeter
Requires Background Check
Ministry doesn’t stop at the walls of the church, but it extends into the community, throughout the states, and across the world. We have various kinds of mission trips each year. These trips are promoted as they come as well.
- Dominican Republic mission trips with Ramas Vivas
- Youth mission trips through Resurrection’s Elevate Student Ministries
Whether you are professional or a hobbyist, we would love your help capturing memories at various events (Sunday mornings, men’s/women’s events, wednesday night youth group, family fun events, etc). We do have cameras you can use, but if you prefer to use your own, that is alright too. There is no expectation for editing skills.
Resurrection has several prayer teams. If you have a passion and gift for prayer, we’d love to help you find the perfect place to pray.
- Sunday Morning Prayer Leaders
- Intercessory prayers
- JumpStart with Alpha Prayer Team
- Special Events prayer
Do you enjoy connecting with people online – creating content and engaging conversation with our community? Our Social Media Team fosters a loving community online both on Sunday mornings and during the week. Some training will be required to learn the voice, tone, and branding of Resurrection, but creative freedom is encouraged.
- Content creation for Facebook and/or Instagram
- Post engagements for discussions and during Sunday morning livestream
- Brainstorming new ways to connect with people online
On a Sunday morning, we have many different positions which make Resurrection a warm welcoming environment to new guests and regular attenders. Every team member makes an impact on the experience we provide.
- Front door + Worship Center greeters
- Ushers
- Connectors – those tasked with connecting new guests to regular attenders and opportunities
- Parking lot team – those tasked with greeting cars and directing them to open spots
- Coffee Counter – those who hande refreshments such as cookies, coffee, lemonade, etc.
Making sure the music sounds good, the lyrics are going, and the livestream is happening are just some of the things our audio, visual, and online team make happen. This could be on Sunday mornings, special services (weddings, funerals, etc.), or other events that require the Worship Center. No experience required! We will train you.
- Sound Operator
- ProPresenter Operator
- Livestream Operator + Co-Pilot
- Livestream Sound Mixing
- Gathering Place Sound Mixing
- Light Operator
Are you musically talented? Our volunteer worship bands always need new singers and musicians to enhance the worship experience. There are official auditions twice a year, but you can inquire any time.
6th-12th grade students are known for making the church a blast on Wednesday nights. Our youth teams are full of a variety of options. If you have a passion for youth, we can find the perfect place for you to serve.
- Small Group Leader
- Trip Chaperone
- Meal Helper
- Worship Leader
- Wednesday night prep
- Help with event planning
Local Ministry Partners
Resurrection partners with several ministries in the local area that share similar missions and visions. These are partners we serve with and give financially to regularly.
A Sneak Peek into Our Teams