Events and Worship Times

Body and blood of Christ for you!
Maundy Thursday is the day we reenact the Last Supper.
It is also the day our 5th graders will be taking their first communion!
Thursday | April 17
5:30pm + 7pm (both online as well)

It is finished!
Good Friday is the day we remember and mourn the day Jesus was crucified on the cross.
This can be a heavy message, so we do provide a Good Friday for Kids program the preschoolers-5th graders can attend.
Friday | April 18
7pm (online as well)
Our Easter Garden!
An Easter tradition of our is to decorate the Worship Center and Gathering Place with a variety of fresh colorful flowers!
This year, we ask that all flower orders be made by March 30 to allow enough time for the shop to obtain what we need.
If you have sponsored flowers, you are welcome to pick up your plant on Tuesday, April 22.
Thank you, and Happy Easter.